

Code of ConductSKKNICertification Scheme

Bank as an institution which has a strategic role in national development work based on trust, should be managed by a banker who has personal integrity, ability and skill and high social responsibility. Indonesian bankers in managing the bank professionally, every behavior and actions must be in accordance with the norms and generally accepted social order. Norms and values attitudes and behavior of the bankers, the principle set forth in the form of Code of Indonesian Bankers.

Indonesian Bankers Code must be adhered to and guide the attitudes and behavior of bankers Indonesia. Therefore, the Indonesian Bankers Association establishes the principle of the Indonesian Bankers Code as follows:

  1. A banker comply with and obey the laws and regulations.
  2. A banker doing the correct recording of all transactions related to the activities of the bank.
  3. A banker avoids unfair competition.
  4. A banker does not misuse his authority for personal gain.
  5. A banker avoids involvement in decision-making in the event of a conflict of interest.
  6. A banker maintains the confidentiality of customer and bank.
  7. A banker into account the adverse impact of any policies established his bank on the state of the economy, social, and environmental.
  8. A banker does not accept gifts or rewards that enrich themselves personally and their families.
  9. A banker is not misconduct that could harm the image of the profession.

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